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KioskRx™ - Prescription Will-Call System
Abacus’s Will-Call KioskRx™ displays prescriptions ready for pickup.  It also displays advertisements.  Quickly and easily load ads, pictures, web pages, mp3’s, or videos.

The advanced advertising system can be easily managed on-site or at a single corporate location for multiple sites.  Each display screen can have it's own unique ads running while always displaying the same "Prescriptions Ready" list.  This allows customers to run germane ads in the different departments, for example Personal Care, Beauty, Cosmetics, Vitamins & Supplements, and others within the store.
The space or "air time" may also be used to promote store specials or be sold or leased to vendors for promoting new products using existing advertising from TV, web, movie formats, or just images.  Generating a new revenue stream will quickly allow the system to pay for itself. With KioskRx™ multiple screens can be strategically placed throughout your store, so that when customers look for their name on the KioskRx™ screen, they are "drawn" to also look at the  advertisements, making RxKiosk™ a powerful and unique Direct-Marketing tool.
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